Following up & enrolling girls
At this point, you’ve spread the word, gotten girls excited, and held a parent meeting. Last but not least, it’s time to sign girls up and build your group! We’ll break down how that works in the four easy steps below. (And, of course, you can always lean on your Tour Consultant for additional support!)
Step 1: Send a follow-up email after your meeting
Make sure to follow-up with parents after your meeting to send them enrollment details. Be sure to include anyone who said they were interested, whether or not they attended your meeting. Note: If you and your Tour Consultant opted to use the custom RSVP site link, a pre-meeting reminder email and a follow-up email will automatically be generated for you. Easy peasy!
Step 2: Keep the parents engaged
The majority of travelers will enroll within two weeks of your parent meeting—so make sure to follow up with them right away. Your Tour Consultant can provide you with email templates to save you time, but you should definitely include tour highlights, price, and what’s included.
Tip: If you have an online presence on social media, make sure to communicate enrollment details there as well.
Step 3: Use your EF-provided resources
Your Tour Consultant is going to be your ultimate resource as you continue to grow your group. They will give you personalized guidance and strategy, and will walk you through all of the following tools and resources available to you:
Log in to your account to see a quick snapshot of your group and manage your list of interested travelers. From here, you can share your Tour Enrollment Page (detailed below) or contact your interested travelers with a click of a button.
This page keeps all of the most important information about your tour in one central, online location. It includes everything from tour dates and price to itinerary and inspirational videos. Girls and parents can also use this site to read reviews from past travelers. Finally, they can add their name to your list of interested travelers—and most importantly, can use this page to enroll. Tip: Once you’ve had your parent meeting, share your Tour Enrollment Page through your own social media accounts, Evite, email, or Rallyhood.
Available online or sent from your Tour Consultant, these informative tour synopses provide colorful photos of your destination, as well as tour and city highlights.
Step 4: Keep the momentum going
In addition to the tools mentioned above, we also suggest holding regularly scheduled meetings throughout your tour-planning process. Invite travelers who have already enrolled, and encourage them to bring any of their interested friends to help drive new enrollments. To keep your girls excited for your tour, consider hosting fun activities—such as potlucks or movie nights—that can help them learn more about the cities you’ll be exploring.